Broadcast Text Messages

This article gives an overview and step-by-step instructions on how to send Broadcast Text Messages

Broadcast Messaging

Broadcast Messaging is a widespread feature of business texting platforms.  The primary use cases for broadcast messaging through Prokeep include:

  • Promotional Messaging

  • Updating customers about new products or recalls

  • Notify all employees and customers of a store closure or change of hours

  • Messaging a targeted group of customers with regular delivery notifications

    How to Set up & Send a Broadcast Message:

  • As an Approved User, please log into your Prokeep account.
  • Click the Broadcast Message icon on the sidebar

  • Click 'Create a Broadcast Message'
  • Add the Message Name & then click 'Save & Continue'
  • Click on 'Recipients' to choose who in your group's contacts will receive the message

  • You will then be able to search for contacts, companies, lists, or groups by name 
  • Select the contacts by checking the box next to their name
  • Once all desired recipients have been selected, click 'Add # Selected'

  • Once you have added your recipients, you will be able to see the list by clicking on the eye next to 'Reachable Audience' to see who has been selected as well as contacts who were selected that have opted out*.

  • Then you will click the arrow next to 'Message'

  • In the 'Message Text' box you will be able to type out your message. 
  • If you want to attach a file to the Broadcast Text Message, you can click the paper clip icon below the text box to search & add the file to the message.
  • Then click 'Save and Continue'
  • You also have the option to 'Schedule' the Broadcast Text Message to go out on a specific date/time OR you can use the 'Send Now' button.

*Customers will receive a message regarding your location having Broadcast Messages enabled where they have the option to 'Opt Out' 

Creating an Broadcast Text Message List

  • When in the Broadcast Text Message dashboard, click on 'Lists'
  • Then click 'Create List'
  • You will then give the list name & a description

  • Once the list has been named, you will click the pencil icon to add contacts.

  • Then you will click 'Edit'

  • From there you will be able to add individual contacts and/or companies to the list.

  • Once your contacts/companies have been added to the list, you will click 'Save'
  • This list can be used later to quickly message a pre-created audience of customers

For Administrators:

As an Administrator, you will automatically be given access to the Broadcast Text Messaging feature. If you wish to grant access to other users, you will go into Settings, then Users, and then click on the 'pencil' to edit the user. You will then check the box to enable Broadcast Text Messaging access.

Once access has been given, the user will have an icon next to their role in the Users screen.

Possible Reasons A Message Has Failed

  1. Sending to numbers that can't receive messages
  2. Carrier delivery issues 
  3. Incorrect number entry

Note that the carrier won't always provide reasons for messages failing to be delivered. 

Broadcast Text Message Reporting Support

Welcome to Broadcast Reporting, where keeping track of your text message performance just got easier and more insightful. Our Broadcast Text Messages now come with enhanced reporting features to help you understand how your messages are performing and who’s engaging.

Quick Stats at-a-Glance

In the table of sent broadcasts, you'll find these quick-view stats:

  • Sent On: The date and time when the broadcast was sent.
  • Recipients: The total number of contacts eligible to receive your message.
  • Delivered: The messages confirmed delivered by the carrier.
  • Responded: The number of people who replied to the broadcast. These replies can be viewed in your inbox.
  • Unsubscribed: The number of contacts who opted out by replying STOP.

You can also view delivery, response, and unsubscribe rates with controls that let you toggle between actual numbers (#) and percentages (%).

Dig Deeper into Your Metrics

To access more detailed stats for a specific broadcast, click the chart icon to the right of the broadcast name. This opens a detailed flyout with these insights:

  • Recipients: The total number of contacts eligible to receive your message.
  • Sent: Messages pending confirmation of delivery or failure by the carrier.
  • Delivered: Messages successfully delivered as confirmed by the carrier.
  • Responded: Contacts who replied to your message.
  • Unsubscribed: Contacts who opted out by replying STOP.
  • Failed: Messages that couldn’t be delivered (you’ll also see the reason if provided by the carrier).

Clicking any of these categories will show you the specific contacts and additional details. 

IMAGES/FILE parameters in Broadcast Text Messages

  • Images larger than 500kb will be sent as links
  • Any file type is accepted
  • Max size is 5MB