Email Redirect Setup Instructions - Microsoft 365

This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Microsoft 365 email redirect.


There are two key steps to this Process: configuring a redirect rule and updating Anti-Spam policies to enable automatic forwarding to Prokeep. 

Redirect Rule

Log into your account’s Microsoft Exchange admin center, on the side rail go to Mail Flow>Rules then on the following screen click Add a rule>Create a new rule

After clicking Create a new rule you will be presented with the option to Set rule conditions. First, create a clear name for your rule. Then under Apply this rule if, select The message then To or CC box contains this person. 

Now select all the email addresses that you intend to Prokeep enable. In this example, we are redirecting email traffic from the group inbox named 365group into Prokeep, so we type in the email address for that group and select it from the dropdown.

Redirect microsoft 365


Then, under Do the following choose Redirect the message to these recipients. 

When prompted to enter a receiving email address for the redirect:

  • If you are located in the US, please redirect emails to 
  • If you are in Canada, please redirect emails to 

The image below depicts how the rule looks once all settings have been correctly selected.

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At this point in the process, you may optionally utilize the Except if clause to filter the types of messages forwarding into this inbox. A Prokeep enabled inbox is highly visible to the entire team and encourages quick action upon messages. If, for example, the forwarded inbox occasionally receives sensitive HR information, you may want to utilize the Except if clause to prevent redirects from anyone using your company domain, or any member of the HR department.

After clicking Next you will be presented with two more screens. On these screens no changes need to be made from defaults. Ensure that the Rule mode is set to enforce. Setting a Severity level is not necessary. 

On the third screen, click Save. The rule will be saved, following around a minute of wait time.

Once the rule is created, you will need to open it and change its status to Enabled.

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Outbound Anti-Spam Policy

This step requires us to navigate from the Microsoft Exchange admin center to the Microsoft defender space. This can be accessed by first clicking the grid icon on the top left of the screen

Then select Security

This takes you to Microsoft 365 Defender.


From the left side rail expand the Email & collaboration section.


Then select Policies & rules > Threat policies

Redirect microsoft 365 defender     


Then select Policies & rules > Threat policies

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From the Threat policies section select Anti-spam

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Then click + Create policy and create a new Outbound policy

Give the new policy a clear name and description, then click Next.

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Give the new policy a clear name and description, then click Next.


From here, select the addresses for which you want this policy to apply. In this example, we are redirecting mail from the group address “New Orleans”, so we will input that email into the Groups section; however, if the email address that is being redirected is one associated with a specific user, utilize the Users section. After inputting all the email addresses that you wish to Prokeep enable, click Next.


On this next screen, Protection Settings

Screenshot 2024-09-25 154921

we need to scroll down to the section labeled Forwarding rules, then under the Automatic forwarding rules drop down change the setting to “On - Forwarding is enabled”.

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Click Next.

The final screen is just a review of the changes we have implemented. From here, select Create.


After a few minutes, the new policy will be created. This policy allows automated forwarding, but only for the email addresses whose messages ought to be redirected into Prokeep. Select your new policy and ensure that it is turned on.


Additional Steps for mimecast Users

We’ve noticed that customers who use mimecast, an email management company who provide security and archiving services, encounter errors when setting up shared email for Prokeep.  These users typically receive the following error message: “Security or policy settings at have rejected your message.” Displayed below

Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 8.55.57 AM

Although it seems like Prokeep is rejecting the message, the issue actually stems from a mimecast administrative policy. We are updating our help center documentation to assist customers using mimecast. Meanwhile, please use the following email template to help customers resolve this issue.

In order to resolve this problem, you will need to add Prokeep’s app mail domain as an approved relay to mimecast. The following steps outline how to do this.

First, from the mimecast administration console, go to Directories.

From Directories, select Profile Groups.

From Profile Groups, select Relay.

While on the Relay screen, select Build then Add Email Addresses

Next, copy/paste one of the following email addresses into Group Additions 

  • If you are located in the US: 
  • If you are in Canada: 

Then click Save and Exit

From here, we now see a new relay has been added to mimecast which lets mimecast know that these redirects are approved.