Managing Auto Replies on Your Account

Administrators can use Account Configuration to either disable or enable Auto Replies on their account.

Auto Replies Explained

  • Messages Received - When toggled on, the automatic "Your message has been received by - XYZ" will be sent when new threads arrive in the inbox. If turned off, this will not be sent and the customer will not receive a response that their message has been received.

Note: If email is activated on your account, you will be able to manage the "Message Received" auto-reply.

  • Messages Claimed - When toggled on, the automatic "XYZ has read your message" will be sent when a thread is claimed by a user. If turned off, this will not be sent. If turned off, this will not be sent and the customer will not receive a response that their message has been claimed.


Note: If email is activated on your account, you will be able to manage the "Message Claimed" auto-reply.

Accessing Auto-Reply Settings

  • Log into your Prokeep profile.
  • Click the Settings gear on the left sidebar
  • Click "Account Configuration"
  • Once in Account Configuration, you can use the toggles to turn auto-replies on or off.


For questions regarding account configuration or auto-replies, please submit a ticket to our Support Team here or by email at