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  2. Automated Rules

Setting up Prokeep Automated Rules

What are Rules?

Automated Rules are ways to automate Prokeep so it works better for your organization. These rules allow you to automatically close threads, route threads to groups and users, and send messages.  

Value: Operate more efficiently, saving time and resources. Automated Rules can easily scale to handle groups that are becoming larger over time.

Rules List 

You can view all the rules created in your account on the Manage Rules page. 

Automated Rule Image 1 (1)


If you would like to see more detail about a rule - like any conditions or specific action directions, simply click on the Rule Name to open the rule slide-out. 

Rule Slide Out

Setting up a rule

  1. Go to  Settings
  2. Click on Manage Rules
  3. Select Create New Rule
  4. Give your rule a name. 
  5. Select the trigger. Triggers determine when the rules execute. 
  6. Select your condition. These allow you to further refine what threads these rules affect.
  7. Select your action. This controls what the rule does. 
  8. Once you’ve set your trigger, condition, and action: Save your Rule


9. Your rule will be saved in a Disabled state. Click the toggle next to the rule description to enable.

10. Confirm you wish to enable the rule when prompted. 

And you are good to go!

Triggers in Prokeep: 

The following triggers are available in Prokeep:

Inactive Threads

This is a trigger that looks for Open (claimed) threads that have no new messages from either Prokeep Users or Contacts. This is a time-based trigger, so it looks for how long a thread has been inactive before running the rule. 
Inactive Threads

You can select how many minutes, hours, or days a thread must be inactive before running the rule.

Thread Left Unclaimed 

This is a trigger that looks for threads that have been left unclaimed - left in the Inbox tab - for a designated period of time. “Unclaimed threads” include new threads that have not yet been claimed by a user and threads that have been Returned to the Inbox - so be careful when setting this rule. 

You can select how many minutes, hours, or days a thread must be inactive before running the rule. 

New Thread Received 

This is an instant trigger - it will run the moment a new thread is received by Prokeep. That is, it will run when a contact sends in a message that creates a new conversation in Prokeep. 

Heads up! Our rules tend to run before Autoreplies are sent, so you will either want to turn them off or account for them running a second behind. 

Thread Claimed

This is an instant trigger - it will run the moment a new thread is claimed by a user in Prokeep. This will run every time a user claims a thread - barring any conditions you’ve specified, of course. That means that this rule will run when a thread is first claimed, and any subsequent claims if that thread ever returns to the inbox. 

Heads up! Our rules tend to run before Autoreplies are sent, so you will either want to turn them off or account for them running a second behind

Thread Closed

This is an instant trigger - it will run the moment a  thread is closed by a user in Prokeep. This will only run when a user clicks on the Close button, so threads closed by other rules, or automated messages that are closed by Prokeep - such as API and Broadcast messages are not effected by Thread Closed rules. 

Heads up! This trigger only works with the Send Message and Send Broadcast Opt In Request actions. These actions will create a new thread and then immediately close that thread.


Conditions in Prokeep: 

Conditions allow you to further refine what threads your rules will run on. You can have multiple conditions to allow for maximum specificity, simply click the And button on the rule edit screen, however, you can only have a single instance of any condition type. 

Channel Type

The different message types in Prokeep are shorthanded as “channels”. With the Channel Type Condition, you can determine if your runs for a specific channel, or for all channels except the one you specified. ChannelCondition

Group and Region

This condition allows you to determine which group(s) or region(s) that a thread needs to be in in order to be affected by the rule. You can determine any number of groups or regions; a thread only needs to be located within one of the defined group(s) or region(s) in order to be affected. Additionally, you can define the rule to affect threads that not in the defined group or region. 

Contact Labels

This condition allows you to use Contact Labels to further determine whose threads are affected by an automated rule. You can select any number of labels to add in your selection. As long as the contact has at least one of those labels, their threads will be affected by that rule. Likewise, you can set rules for all contacts except those with specified labels. 



This condition allows you to use a contact’s company to determine whose threads are affected by an automated rule. If a contact is associated with the company you specify, then the rule will apply to them. Likewise, you can also set the rule to run for everyone except the company you specify. Only one company can be selected per rule at this time.


This condition allows you to apply a rule only to threads claimed by a specified user. When the rule executes, it will look for the owner of the thread, and then determine whether or not the rule executes. Likewise, you can also set the rule to run for all users except the one you specify. Only one user can be selected per rule at this time.



Actions are what the rule actually does.  You can assign multiple actions to a single rule by clicking the And button after selecting an action. 

Close Thread

The Close Thread action does exactly what it says on the tin - close threads. If you own a thread that is closed by a rule, you will get a message in Prokeep to tell you that the thread has been closed. Additionally, the system message for the closing of the thread will let you know which rule did it. 


Note: If you have a rule with multiple actions, Close Thread can only be added as the last action on that rule. Once you select Close Thread, you will be unable to add additional actions to that rule. 

Route to Group

Routing to Group functions similarly to the manual Transfer threads feature. When rules with this action execute, a thread will be “unclaimed” and moved to the target group’s inbox. You can only target one group per rule. This rule will not transfer threads to a group they are already in. 


A record of the transfer will be present in conversation history: 

Route to User

Route to User allows you to direct threads to specific user(s). When rules with this action execute, a thread will be moved to the target user’s inbox tab, and it will not be visible in the inbox of other users until the thread is either routed to a group by a rule, or claimed and routed to inbox by the Route to Inbox tool.  Note: if this action runs on previously claimed threads, it will unclaim them. 

A System Message will appear in conversation history letting users know what happened. 


Send Message 

The Send Message function lets you program Prokeep to send a specified templated message to a contact. These messages will function like our system generated messages, so they will not have a username associated with them. Within the thread and thread history, the message will appear as though it was sent by a rule.

SendMessage action

In conversation history: 