Web Chat - Get Started

Purpose: Technical support doc for Web Chat Widgets

Creating the widget 

Prokeep Customer Support will create your chat widget(s) and make them available to you after you have filled out a form informing us of how many widgets you need. Once your widget(s) are created, you will be notified by Prokeep support and admins will see these new widget(s) available in their settings page.

Obtaining the code snippet

As a user with Admin permissions, scroll down to “Web Connect”. Find the widget that was created for you by Prokeep support, and select “Copy Code”.

Prokeep Chat Widget Settings Main Page

Where to add on your website

The code snippet can be added to any webpage by a Webmaster by adding it to the HTML document for that page. Note, the widget will only appear on pages that it has been added to, though this may vary based on the code structure of your website. Adding a chat widget to the site wide header or footer will add the widget to all pages. It is recommended that the widget code is pasted near the top of the document,  where the CSS or other external resources are loaded.  This will allow the code snippet to be easier to find if changes need to be made in the future. Once enabled, the widget will then appear on that webpage.

Making Edits to Your Chat Widgets

An admin user who has opened the chat widget page in settings may click on the name of any Widget to make edits, shown below.

At this time the following fields may be edited:

Name - This is the name of the widget, and is only used for internal reference purposes

Groups - You may add/remove Prokeep groups from the list that your customers can select from when using Prokeep Web Chat.

Verification Method - Select between “Text Verification” and “No Verification” 

  • Text verification - Your customers will receive a text message containing a code, they will then be prompted to input that code to verify their identity prior to using Web Chat.
  • No verification - Your customers will be prompted to input a cell phone number in the initial form for identification purposes, but will not have to input any code.

Display Text - You may edit the text prompt which displays to the left of the widget to a maximum of 20 characters. The default display text is shown below for reference. If you wish to remove the display text altogether, then input  blank space in this field.

Prokeep Chat Widget Display Text

Auto Reply - LIke every other Prokeep messaging channel, Prokeep Web Chat includes an auto reply to the customer’s initial message to let your customer know that their message has been received. You may customize this auto-reply message to be unique to each chat widget, and can include links to helpful website support pages to encourage self service if you anticipate longer wait times.

Code Snippet - This field is not editable, but is here so you can refer to the code snippet and copy it for use on your site.

Prokeep Chat Widget Edit Screen

Using the Web Chat Widget 

Anyone can send a message to your Prokeep account from your website using a Chat widget. If the phone number that the customer inputs into their web chat is not already saved as a Prokeep contact, Prokeep will create this individual as a new contact and add them to your list. If the phone number matches one of your existing contacts, Prokeep will display their existing contact information during the message and combine this web chat with their existing contact details and conversation history.

Once the chat has landed in Prokeep, it functions like any other kind of Prokeep conversation, you can transfer the thread to another user or group, tag threads with useful identifying information, and maintain a consistent contact history with this customer in a single location. 

Turning off the Web Chat

If you need to disable Web Chat, you may simply remove it from any active web pages to prevent new messages from coming in through the site. You can remove the widget by deleting the code that you previously added. 


Q: What happens if I only want one group connected to the Web Chat?

A: If only one group is selected, we no longer display the location selector drop down as shown below