Adding a New User

This article will give you step-by-step instructions on how to add a new user to the platform.

Adding a New User

Only an Administrator or Manager are able to add a new user to Prokeep. To add a new user, please see steps below:

  • As an Admin or Manager, log into your Prokeep profile.
  • Click on the settings gear on the left sidebar
  • Click on “Users.”
  • Click on the green “Add New” button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  • You will be taken to a form where you can input the user's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Role*, select the Group(s) (will be location of the group i.e. Atlanta, New Orleans, etc.) and submit. You may also enter a title for a user that is for internal use only.
  • When adding 'Member' or 'Manager' you will need to select the group(s) they are to be associated with. To do so, you will click into the 'Groups' box and type in the name of location(s). You will then click on the location, which will add it under the box as seen above.
  • Once you submit, the team member will receive an email from Prokeep with a link to finish setting up their login credentials.

If the user did not receive the invite to complete setup, you can click 'resend invite.'

*Roles are broken down as follows:

-Administrator: Can do & see everything in Prokeep

-Manager: Can do & see everything in Prokeep, except see Administrators in the Users list

-Member: Limited to Threads, Contacts, and some personal Settings

Admins have access and visibility into to all groups, while members and managers will only receive those that they are assigned.